Course curriculum

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    Web PT Sessions

    • Day1: Kickoff, Introduction to Web PT and OWASP

    • Day2: XSS and Its Approach

    • Day3: XSS Automation using Shell Scripting

    • Day3: Notes

    • Day4: Bug Bounty Platforms

    • Day4: Notes

    • Day5: Test Cases for Bug Bounty / Pentest Engagements.

    • Day5: Notes

    • Day6: Pentest & Bug Bounty Post Login Test Cases

    • Day7: Questions & Answers

    • Day8 - CORS

    • Day 9 - Clickjacking & HTML Injection

    • Day 10 - Server Side Request Forgery + Reverse Whois

    • Day 11 - CSRF, Broken Link Hijacking

    • Day 12- Open Redirect

    • Day 13 - Session Fixation & Subdomain Enumeration Active & Passive Technquies.