Course curriculum

  • 1

    June Batch

    • Social Engineering and Phishing

    • Introduction to Cyber Security

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    April 2024 Batch

    • Introduction to Cyber Security

    • Ports and Protocols - SSH

    • Ports and Protocols - FTP Prac

    • Cryptography

    • Steganography

    • TCP/IP and OSI, IP Address

  • 3

    Introduction to Cyber Security, CIA Triad

    • Introduction to Cyber Security, CIA Triad

    • What is IP, MAC, Wireshark, Dig, Nslookup and Traceroute

    • SSH, FTP, DHCP, DORA Process and Nmap

    • Introduction to Linux, Basic Commands and Bash Srcipting

    • Password Cracking, Social Engineering & Phishing

    • ShellPhish, Cryptography

    • Steganography, Subdomain Enumeration (Active & Passive)